Are you an 'I don't know' or have an 'I don't know' living in your house? Turn "I don't know" into "I do know" and shift the dial on your future at the free Canvas Careers Expo.
If you're a parent – and your teen still isn’t sure what to do next year. You need to come along. On Thursday 8 August, between 4-8pm, drag your teen along and explore their career options together.
If you're a student – and you’re considering tertiary study, trades training, a career in an innovative business, or you’re already working and want to upskill or change careers completely – this is the careers expo for you!
Either way, Canvas is where you need to be. This is your best chance to connect and engage with tertiary and training providers and some of our region’s leading businesses. Find out what it’s really like to walk in their shoes for a day. Double check the career you think you want is right for you. Get clarity on the right steps to shift the dial on your future.
Join us over two days on Thursday 8 (9am-2pm, 4pm-8pm) and Friday 9 (9am-2pm) August at Mercury Baypark. The time you spend at this expo and the conversations you have, could be life-changing.
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