Disney movies are renowned for their unforgettable songs that capture the essence of each story. From the enchanting melodies of "Beauty and the Beast" or the heartwarming ballad "A Whole New World" from "Aladdin, Disney songs evoke a myriad of emotions and transport listeners to magical worlds filled with wonder and imagination.
They have become iconic in popular culture and continue to captivate audiences of all ages, leaving an indelible mark on the hearts of millions around the globe. Come along and enjoy this wonderful night filled with imagination, fun and great music.
Each night different schools perform, so if you're looking for seats for a specific night, please see the below list:
Monday 26 August
Suzanne Aubert Catholic School, Greerton Village School, Pahoia School, St Mary's Catholic School, Bethlehem Primary School, Te Akau ki Pāpāmoa
Tuesday 27 August - SOLD OUT
Arataki School, Mount Intermediate School, Ōmokoroa Point School, Bellevue School, Omanu School, Te Kura o Manunui, Mount Primary School
Wednesday 28 August
Te Manawa o Pāpāmoa, Taumata School, Welcome Bay School, Tauranga Primary School, Whakamarama School, Te Puna School, Kaimai School
Thursday 29 August - SOLD OUT
Tauriko School, Matua School, Golden Sands School, Gate Pā School, Pillans Point School, Tahatai School
Friday 30 August
Ōropi School, Bethlehem College, ACG Tauranga, Greenpark School, Selwyn Ridge School, Pāpāmoa College
Admit One: $17.40