An invitation to poets and poets-to-be.
Meetings are informal, but focused sessions, that can help you with your poetry writing by sharing with others.
Whatever kind of poetry you write, whoever you are writing for, you will be most welcome. Open to everyone, from beginners to experienced writers. If you are interested in sharing your poems and for some friendly and helpful feedback Lines and Lyrics is for you.
Initially, sessions will be facilitated by Jenny Argante, who has been teaching creative writing for over thirty years. However, as equals, each of us will contribute our own input and response as we listen and learn together.
Please note these session are open to adults.
- Saturday, 22 February
- Saturday, 22 March
- Saturday, 26 April
- Saturday, 24 May
- Saturday, 28 June
- Saturday, 27 July
- Saturday, 23 August
- Saturday, 27 September
- Saturday, 25 October
- Saturday, 22 November
This is a community initiative supported by Te Ao Mārama – Tauranga City Libraries and all queries and registrations should be directed to Jenny Argante -